About Us

Who Am I?

Hi. My name is Lynda McFarlane and amongst many attributes that I claim, been given and loads more which I have yet to explore, I see myself as a continuation of individuals - past, present and to come, who see obvious challenges in the world we inhabit.

I with them, want to make a positive contribution to community, wherever I find myself.

Fuelled by a passion to turn obstacles into instruments of growth and developemental progress, I draw up the wisdom of my unique life history, aspirations for the future and personal relationships to create avenues to hold safe spaces to explore the challenges that extinguish feelings of joy - which I believe is our human right.   

Without a meaningul existence, the life we have been given serves very little purpose and ultimately affects all of us as a community so, I'm on a quest to explore practical ways to improve the mental, physical and nutritional wellbeing of my local community and beyond. I will share with you my journey, the challenges and the triumphs not only through this website but on my social media platforms to follow in previous footsteps, but to create some size 7 ones of my own.

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Let’s Connect

If you're an individual, community group or corporation that wants to support what we do or take up our services, give us a call or send us an email so that we can together, start making a difference.